What are the Key Points to be aware of in relation to mouth guards?
• Ladies Gaelic footballers in all grades must wear a mouth guard in LGFA games and practice sessions.
• It is the responsibility of each individual player to use a mouth guard.
• Players will be ordered off in a game for not wearing a mouthguard and will remain off the pitch until the situation is rectified.
• Players will not be covered under the Injury Fund if they don't comply with the mouthguard rule. Players wi
• No Mouthguard? No Game
What is the Role of the Referee?
• If a player refuses to comply with a Referee’s instruction to wear a mouth guard, she shall be asked to rectify the situation. Should she refuse to do so the referee shall order her off the field until the situation is rectified?
What is the role of the Player?
• In all Games and Practice Football Sessions, it shall be mandatory for, and the responsibility of, each individual player to use a mouth guard.
What role does the club play?
• Clubs should ensure that their players, player’s parents/guardians, coaches and team mentors are made aware of the mouth guard rules.
How does this rule affect the Injury Fund?
• Players will not be covered under the injury fund if they are not wearing a mouth guard. It is the responsibility of each individual player to use a mouth guard.
Q. Does a player have to wear a mouth guard whilst playing Second and Third Level games?
A. Yes
Q. Does this apply to International Units?
A. Yes. International Units are subject to the General Rules of the Association.
Q. What about players who currently wear orthodontic braces, what are their options?
A. It has been noted that children wearing orthodontic braces and wishing to play Gaelic football will be particularly concerned about the rule change; however, the LGFA recommends that these players seek advice from a range of dental practitioners on the most appropriate solution for them. The player must request a letter of support from their dental practitioner and keep this with them.
When are players covered?
• An official competitive or challenge game (must be their own club or county)
• An official and supervised training session (Players are not covered for training taking place on beaches, hills, mountains or any areas with hazards). Training in a gym is not covered in the injury fund as it is not an LGFA specific activity. Indoor sessions taking place on GAA grounds and GAA properties being conducted by a registered LGFA coach is permitted.
What does the injury fund cover?
• Dental expenses up to €3000
• Medical expenses up to €5500: max. 6 physio sessions unless more have been approved by the Injury Fund Co-ordinator
• Loss of wages to a max. of €200 per week for maximum of 20 weeks
What is the procedure for a making a claim?
• All submissions of claims must be made within two months of the date of injury to Head Office
• Where a claim cannot be made within the two month period, or the claim may exceed €200 a Preliminary Notification Form (1-page form) should be completed and forwarded to Head Office
• Claim forms should be signed by the injured player, the club Secretary and the manager/coach and then forwarded to the County Secretary to sign as a declaration that s/he has been officially notified of the injury
• Where a preliminary claim form has been submitted, a report and update on the claim must be submitted by the injured party within one year from the date of the preliminary notice, to validate the claim
• All claims for which preliminary notices have been received must be lodged and validated within two years of the original preliminary notice except in exceptional circumstances
• Physiotherapy does not require prior approval unless it exceeds €200. Sessions are limited to a maximum of 6 sessions.
What is the procedure for private treatment?
• Any request for private treatment must be supported by documentation from a Medical Practitioner to show reasons why private treatment is necessary.
Private Treatment involves a step by step procedure:
• Permission to see a Consultant – send Doctor’s letter to Head Office
• Permission for a MRI scan – send Consultant letter to Head Office
• Permission for surgery – send results of MRI and Consultant letter to Head Office All of these letters should be forwarded with a letter from the player requesting permission from fund also.
For further information contact:
Rosemary Coyle, Injury Fund Co-Ordinator or 01 8363156
What are the registration fees at national level for LGFA?
NOTE: Registrations are also subject to club, county and provincial fees.
U12 to U18 have the option of paying €25 as this will then cover them for loss of wages (up to a max of €200 per week)
Do any Registration fees apply to Gaelic4Mothers&Others?
Yes, after completing the initial 6 week programme all players who wish to continue participating in the programme must register as official members of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association through their club registrar. They do not pay into the injury fund.
Registration fees for G4M&O is €12 (Club €2, County €2, Province €2, Central €6). If a G4M&O wishes to become a full member, with full voting rights, then they need to pay the Adult fee to their club.
Other Costs
Please note there are additional annual costs which can be incorporated into your club registration fee, these include the Servasport fee (€15), the All Ireland Club Levy (€150), which can be reclaimed as tickets for the LGFA All Ireland Finals to that value, and GAA Public Liability Insurance (€250).
For further information contact:
Maire Ní Mhaoilchiarain, National Finance Officer or 01 83 63156
How are players graded if we have two adult teams in the club? How are clubs graded?
- Where a club has two teams competing in championship games within the county, it must name its fifteen best players for the higher grade team for championship games (A team). Should any other player outside of this list play in the higher grade championship, they shall become ineligible for the championship in the lower grade.
- A club that wins the Junior or Intermediate County championship, must move up a grade within the county for the next year’s championship. A club that finishes runner up in the County senior or intermediate championship cannot be downgraded for the following years championship, unless in exceptional circumstances as decided by Central Council.
Can a player start back playing with her club immediately after returning from America/Canada?
- The player must notify LGFA head office that they have returned home and can then play immediately with their club.
Can anybody use the LGFA logo and can we buy gear from any company?
No, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association has Official Licensees and only these companies have permission to use our logo on merchandise. It is important that everyone is aware of this when sourcing playing or leisure gear for your club.
Remember: The Official LGFA Logo must be used on Jerseys for all Association Competitions.
The list of licensees with the LGFA can be found at
Please note that it is important to check that the company is still an official Licensee of the LGFA prior to engagement with the company.
For information on transfers, sanctions, permissions to play or any of the information above please avail of the ‘club’ section on our website
For further information on specific queries you can email or call on office on 018363156
Full information is also available on our new website: